Shipping and return policies for tapezbynizzle

Shipping Info
Our prices displayed include VAT and exclude delivery. The various delivery charges are made very clear on the delivery page
Return Policy
We offer you a 10 day no fuss returns policy. This means that you can cancel your order for any reason what so ever within 10 days of us delivering it.

We won’t charge you to return it or for us to collect it and we will refund you for the product and any and all delivery charges you have incurred in full.

If we need to come and collect it for any reason, we won’t even make it difficult for you. We will come and collect it on any day of the week that suits you (Yes. Even Sunday)

Now let’s be honest... it doesn’t get much better than that!

I know what you’re thinking.... What’s the catch here?

The answer is that there isn’t one. As long as the product is in its original condition and has not been used or damaged we will come and get it, and refund you in full. We are passionate about our customers and making sure you are happy. We believe you will in return be honest with us and that forms a stronger bond with our customers than any Terms and Conditions could ever offer. We’ll do right by you and you do right by us. Simple.